Sunday, May 13, 2007

How to make VMware Workstatin 5.5.3 work after an upgrade to Feisty (Geek Post!)

1) Locate the installed version of vmmon.tar (it should be something similar to /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/vmmon.tar)

2) Backup vmmon.tar (optional yet highly recommended)
cd /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/
cp vmmon.tar vmmon.tar.bck

3) Unpack the file
tar -xvf vmmon.tar

4) Edit vmmon-only/include/compat_kernel.h
mcedit vmmon-only/include/compat_kernel.h
If you don't have mcedit try editing the file with pico, vi, or something else
pico vmmon-only/include/compat_kernel.h
vi vmmon-only/include/compat_kernel.h

Inside the file replace the line
static inline _syscall1(int, compat_exit, int, exit_code);
/* static inline _syscall1(int, compat_exit, int, exit_code); */

5) Repack the folder
chmod 755 vmmon.tar
tar -cvf vmmon.tar vmmon-only

6) Run


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